Conservatives are often painted as being cold-hearted for there stance on personal responsibility and opposition to government-mandated social programs.
The original intent of the Founding Fathers was to establish a Nation free of Government intrusion into our lives. I once heard Liberty described as "the maximum absence of coercion by a force greater than your own". In other words, Liberty exists when the government is maintained at it most minimal, unobtrusive state.
If you haven't already done this, check out the 18 enumerated powers in the U.S. Constitution.(Article I, Section 8) These 18 powers describe the ONLY things that Congress can do on your behalf. Now see how many government programs and bureaucracies fall under those guidelines. You will be surprised at how many do not.
So what am I getting at? Personal responsibility is no walk in the park. True Liberty as the Founding Fathers intended it is not all warm, fuzzy, and sugar-coated. Without government safety nets, people policed themselves, made better decisions, remained employed, were more responsible, and conducted themselves as adults that knew there were consequences to bad decisions.
So the real question facing today's generation. Do we really want true Liberty?
Or do we want to watered-down, government safety net, border-line tyrannical version that we have today?
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