Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dirty Poltics

If you've watched any television at all in the last few weeks, you've probably seen your fair share of campaign ads. These ads usually try to paint a picture of why you should vote for one guy instead of the other. This is normally done by pointing out the good things you've done versus the bad things he's done... you get the idea.

But apparently, since President Obama has no record to run on and no accomplishments to point to, he is focusing millions on trashing Mitt Romney. The only problem is: most of his ads are untruthful, shamelessly misconstrued, or downright lies.

Factcheck.org is a fairly unbiased researcher of facts. Many people use the site to settle disputes and it has a very good reputation for it's research. President Obama's ads have kept them pretty busy lately.

Outsourcing Accusation: False! In recent ads Obama has tried to label Mitt Romney as a person who would have no problem outsourcing American jobs. The only problem is, the facts did not back it up. The article at factcheck disproves two different ads claiming that Romney outsourced jobs to China and Mexico.

Abortion Stance Miss-represented: Guilty! Another Obama ad claimed that Mitt Romney “backed a law that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.” This is not true, Romney never said anything of the sort. Again, the factcheck article was well researched and all of the facts were laid out.

Attempts to Distort Romney's Economic Record: Fail! This 3 or 4 page factcheck article states several accounts of fuzzy math being used, or slanted statistics and half-truths. None of the accusations can be confirmed. Again, the Obama campaign is trying to use a smokescreen to hide his record.

Claiming that Romney is a Felon: Lie! This article is from TheBlaze.com and outlines the rediulous accusation that Romney could be a felon. It's almost as bad as the infamous "When did you stop beating your wife" question.

The worst thing about all of these tasteless attacks and false accusations? In 2008, Obama said:

"If you don't have any fresh ideas, you use stale tactics to scare the voters"

Wow! Was he predicting his own future there? You decide:

Obama in his own words:

Factcheck.org Sources:

Obama's "Outsourcer" Overreach
Twisting Romney's Abortion Stance
Obama Twists Romney's Economic Record

Other Sources:
Obama Campaign "Felony" charge is debunked by Washington Post 
Obama Video "If you don't have a record to run on..."

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