Wednesday, July 11, 2012

President Obama Takes a Whuppin'

So Mitt Romney raised $35,000,000 more than President Obama in June. Yes, you read that right, $35 Million dollars!

Score for June:
Team Obama- $71 Million
Team Romney- $106 Million

Now granted, Team Obama is ahead as far as total funds raised ($512M to $389M), but remember than Romney was not declared the Republican Nominee for President until fairly recently. Obama has been campaigning for several months now.

Why the sound thumping in June? I personally feel that it had a lot to do with the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare (otherwise known as The Affordable Care Act) midway through the month. Voters suddenly realized than in order to dump the unpopular health care takeover, they must vote in a new President. There may very well have been some big donors waiting in the wings to see what SCOTUS would decide.

Within 24 hours of the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare, the Romney team received $4 Million dollars from around 33,000 donors. Not a bad haul for one day!

But let's no get to cocky. We still have 118 days to go and a lot can happen in that amount of time. Especially because Team Obama is more than likely to pull out every smear tactic they can. Prepare for smears like you've never seen, negative adds like they're going out of style, and accusations that cannot be substantiated. They have already been caught twice by twice on lies about Mitt Romney, but that's another post for another day.

The Washington Post
Los Angeles Times

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