Sunday, August 12, 2012

Congratulations Paul Ryan!

I am sure you all know by now that Paul Ryan has been selected to run beside Mitt Romney as Vice President. I am personally very excited about the pick, because Representative Ryan will be good for our economy, just as Romney will be. Together, I believe that they will get our economy back on track and even stronger than before this recession started.

The liberal media's harshest criticism of Mr. Ryan, is on his budget plan that he recently proposed to Congress. There is already distortion and misleading untruths being spread about the plan.

Here's a few facts that you probably won't hear discussed:

1. Paul Ryan did his job and actually wrote a bunch. The Democratically-controlled Congress has not produced a budget in over 3 years.

2. The Ryan plan would NOT change benefits for seniors, or anyone who becomes a senior in the next ten years. They are grandfathered in. The plan does outline social security reform that would guarantee that benefits were available for those who are now paying into the system.

3. Rep. Ryan's plan was the only plan that the CBO said would prevent the social security system from going bankrupt.

The next couple of months will be long ones, full of misinformation, unproven "facts" and shameless attacks. Just remember to do your own research.

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