Friday, September 7, 2012

Fair Coverage?

US Deaths in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush. Click here to learn more. President Obama spoke last night of "an America where everyone has a fair shot, everyone does his or her fair share, and there are no separate rules for Wall Street or the privileged."

He also bragged a bit about his Military record. Which got me to thinking... fairness? No separate rules for the privileged? Hmmm... When is the last time you heard a report in the news about how many Americans have lost their lives in Iraq or Afghanistan? It was probably 2008 or so, because the media doesn't seem interested in reporting it now that their guy is Commander in Chief.

Remember when George W. Bush was President? The media would tell you every single day how many lives had been lost. They used these numbers to slander G.W. Bush. So why aren't they talking about it now? Are they suddenly in favor of war?

The truth is that they know that reporting the hundreds of American Military casualties under Obama's Presidency would make him look bad and they are in his back pocket.

Am I wrong?

Monday, August 13, 2012

President Obama Will Not Rest Until...

Since filing to run for his second term (16 months ago) and promising that he will not rest until everyone who wants a job has one, President Obama has:

-Held 200 fundraisers.
-Played 45 rounds of golf.
-Met with his Jobs Council once.

For those last 16 months, unemployment has stayed above 8% the entire time.

I must also point out that he has played a total of 104 golf games (source) since taking the Oath of Office.

Soooo... Is he the solution, or the problem?


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Congratulations Paul Ryan!

I am sure you all know by now that Paul Ryan has been selected to run beside Mitt Romney as Vice President. I am personally very excited about the pick, because Representative Ryan will be good for our economy, just as Romney will be. Together, I believe that they will get our economy back on track and even stronger than before this recession started.

The liberal media's harshest criticism of Mr. Ryan, is on his budget plan that he recently proposed to Congress. There is already distortion and misleading untruths being spread about the plan.

Here's a few facts that you probably won't hear discussed:

1. Paul Ryan did his job and actually wrote a bunch. The Democratically-controlled Congress has not produced a budget in over 3 years.

2. The Ryan plan would NOT change benefits for seniors, or anyone who becomes a senior in the next ten years. They are grandfathered in. The plan does outline social security reform that would guarantee that benefits were available for those who are now paying into the system.

3. Rep. Ryan's plan was the only plan that the CBO said would prevent the social security system from going bankrupt.

The next couple of months will be long ones, full of misinformation, unproven "facts" and shameless attacks. Just remember to do your own research.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Normally, this picture would be accompanied by commentary. This one pretty much speaks for itself. Pure desperation. What do you think?

Original: Click here.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Latest Main Stream Media FAIL! (and six others)

The main stream media is always trying to point the finger of blame at Conservative, "Right-Wingers", Republicans, and most recently, their favorite target is The Tea Party.

You know how it goes, any tragedy that happens they will try to blame our "Right Wing" ideology. Usually it is a tragedy that has been engineered by a madman. Yes, they even tried to blame the recent Aurora, Colorado Theater Massacre on The Tea Party.

On February 12, 2010 Dr. Amy Bishop, Professor at University of Alabama, opened fire on twelve of her colleagues, killing three of them and wounding three others. Jonathon Curiel of Reuters, speculated that Dr. Bishop belonged to or was a product of The Tea Party. If he had done a little homework, he would have known she was actually an avid Barrack Obama follower. One of her family members actually described her as being obsessed with President Obama. -Fail #1

Remember the Discovery Channel "Eco-terrorist"? Yep, they tried to blame that on The Tea Party too! On September 1, 2010, Jason Lee entered the Discovery Channel headquarters in Silver Springs, MD with two starter pistols and an explosive device. He took hostages and held them for an hour while he ranted and raved. Fortunately, police were able to neutralize him with nobody hurt. Because he had some kind of eco-manifesto, the media began reporting that he was a crazy right-winger. But it turned out that he was just some tree hugging whack job.

Bill Sparkman "Murder" -On September 12, 2009 Mr. Sparkman was found dead and duct-taped to a tree with his government I.D. Card taped to him and "fed" written on his chest. The mainstream media immediately began speculating that crazy Tea Partier's had killed him due to the public opposition to big government and the Tea Party's support of Representative Ron Paul's "Audit the FED" bill. Andrew Sullivan even went so far as call it "Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk-radio cohorts". Liberal talk show host Stephanie Miller claimed that The Tea Party was responsible for inciting violence. The truth? Bill Sparkman committed suicide and tried to stage it as murder so that his family could collect on his life insurance policy.

We all know about the would-be Times Square bomber. What you may not remember is that during an interview with Katie Couric of CNN, liberal New York City Mayor Bloomburg stated that he was probably "a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health-care bill or something". The Nation's Robert Dreyfuss even spouted off saying the perp was "either a lone nut job or a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party, anti-government far right. Which actually exists in Connecticut, where, it seems, the car's license plates were stolen". Classy, huh? After police safely neutralized the homemade car bomb without injury, they began an investigation that led them to Faisal Shazah who was an actual terrorist who had been trained in a Pakistani Terrorist Camp. He was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.

On February 18, 2010 a man flew his private aircraft into the IRS Building in Austin, Texas. He died in the crash along with IRS Manager Vernon Hunter. He also injured 13 IRS employees in the intentional crash. Immediately the media began attempting to tie this murderer to the Tea Party. Jonathon Capehart of the Washington Post wrote "There's no information yet on whether he was involved in any anti-government groups or whether he was a lone wold. But after reading his 34-paragraph screed, I am struck by how his alienation is similar to that we're hearing from the extreme elements of the Tea Party movement". Chris Rovzar of New York Magazine wrote: "He was mad at the IRS, and left what CNN reports was a suicidal note on a local website, detailing trials with the agency. In fact, a lot of his rhetoric could have been taken directly from a handwritten sign at a Tea Party rally [emphasis added]". Several other left-leaning media sources took the opportunity to pile on the Tea party as well. But when his manifesto was examined more closely, it was clear that Software Consultant (and now murderer) Andrew Stack included quotes in his rants directly from the communist manifesto, and disparaged Capitalism. Sure sounds to me like the exact opposite of a Tea Party member.

Perhaps the most high profile instance of liberal hate and bias against "Right-Wingers" was the Representative Gabriel Giffords shooting. On January 8, 2011, a madman opened fire at a public event in which Representative Giffords was speaking in Tuscon, Arizona. Six people were murdered and thirteen more injured, including Giffords who was shot in the head and appeared to be the main target of the attack. She miraculously survived the attack. Before the investigation even began and the perpetrator was even identified, the media began to pile on right-wingers and the Tea Party. Some even tried to claim that Tea Party idol Sarah Palin was directly responsible, citing "rhetoric" used by the former Alaska Governor. After much speculation and finger pointing, the truth came our. The murderer, Jared Loughner burned American flags prior to the attack, was described as "disliking" the news, and apparently his favorite books were "The Communist Manifesto" and "Meun Kampf". He didn't even listen to talk radio and he was a registered Independent. A high school friend of his, Zach Osle even said "He didn't take sides. He wasn't on the left. He wasn't on the right.". Hmmm....

There we have it. Six incidents where the main stream media tried to pin horrible tragedies on Conservatives without any shred of evidence and knowing zero facts about the perpetrators of these tragedies. Seems to me they have some sort of agenda, doesn't it?


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dirty Poltics

If you've watched any television at all in the last few weeks, you've probably seen your fair share of campaign ads. These ads usually try to paint a picture of why you should vote for one guy instead of the other. This is normally done by pointing out the good things you've done versus the bad things he's done... you get the idea.

But apparently, since President Obama has no record to run on and no accomplishments to point to, he is focusing millions on trashing Mitt Romney. The only problem is: most of his ads are untruthful, shamelessly misconstrued, or downright lies. is a fairly unbiased researcher of facts. Many people use the site to settle disputes and it has a very good reputation for it's research. President Obama's ads have kept them pretty busy lately.

Outsourcing Accusation: False! In recent ads Obama has tried to label Mitt Romney as a person who would have no problem outsourcing American jobs. The only problem is, the facts did not back it up. The article at factcheck disproves two different ads claiming that Romney outsourced jobs to China and Mexico.

Abortion Stance Miss-represented: Guilty! Another Obama ad claimed that Mitt Romney “backed a law that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.” This is not true, Romney never said anything of the sort. Again, the factcheck article was well researched and all of the facts were laid out.

Attempts to Distort Romney's Economic Record: Fail! This 3 or 4 page factcheck article states several accounts of fuzzy math being used, or slanted statistics and half-truths. None of the accusations can be confirmed. Again, the Obama campaign is trying to use a smokescreen to hide his record.

Claiming that Romney is a Felon: Lie! This article is from and outlines the rediulous accusation that Romney could be a felon. It's almost as bad as the infamous "When did you stop beating your wife" question.

The worst thing about all of these tasteless attacks and false accusations? In 2008, Obama said:

"If you don't have any fresh ideas, you use stale tactics to scare the voters"

Wow! Was he predicting his own future there? You decide:

Obama in his own words: Sources:

Obama's "Outsourcer" Overreach
Twisting Romney's Abortion Stance
Obama Twists Romney's Economic Record

Other Sources:
Obama Campaign "Felony" charge is debunked by Washington Post 
Obama Video "If you don't have a record to run on..."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Obama's War on Women

I do not usually post video's, especially campaign videos, because many of the claims are often not accompanied by links. That being said, this strikes close to home. My wife has a career in the medical field and she has been unemployed for almost 10 months now. Nobody is hiring! She has been more aggressive than anyone I know. She applies for dozens of jobs, calls the employers to follow up, and is very proactive.

I am looking forward to electing a President that respects the Free Market and protects the principles of Capitalism. When Capitalism is unmolested by government, it works well of everyone. Unfortunately, we have not had a truly Capitalistic style of economics in decades... ever since big brother started tampering with things, trying to make the system "fair for everyone". Remember: The government can not make everyone equally successful and happy, but it make everyone equally poor and miserable.

It is possible to guarantee equal opportunity, it is NOT possible to guarantee equal outcomes or results.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

President Obama Takes a Whuppin'

So Mitt Romney raised $35,000,000 more than President Obama in June. Yes, you read that right, $35 Million dollars!

Score for June:
Team Obama- $71 Million
Team Romney- $106 Million

Now granted, Team Obama is ahead as far as total funds raised ($512M to $389M), but remember than Romney was not declared the Republican Nominee for President until fairly recently. Obama has been campaigning for several months now.

Why the sound thumping in June? I personally feel that it had a lot to do with the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare (otherwise known as The Affordable Care Act) midway through the month. Voters suddenly realized than in order to dump the unpopular health care takeover, they must vote in a new President. There may very well have been some big donors waiting in the wings to see what SCOTUS would decide.

Within 24 hours of the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare, the Romney team received $4 Million dollars from around 33,000 donors. Not a bad haul for one day!

But let's no get to cocky. We still have 118 days to go and a lot can happen in that amount of time. Especially because Team Obama is more than likely to pull out every smear tactic they can. Prepare for smears like you've never seen, negative adds like they're going out of style, and accusations that cannot be substantiated. They have already been caught twice by twice on lies about Mitt Romney, but that's another post for another day.

The Washington Post
Los Angeles Times

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Favorite Books and Movies

I get a lot of questions about my favorite books and movies. So I am in the process of putting together a list of all of them right now. Check them out by clicking here.

The Tax Cut Swindle

The president went on record this week during the fourth year of his campaign for reelection of saying that we cannot afford to spend money on tax cuts right now.

Whoa! Really? Since when is letting people keep more of their own money considered spending? Technically it would be a revenue cut. All money that government spends or gives away is in fact money that they have confiscated from people or from groups of people (corporations) by force. Force you say? That sounds a little harsh... Okay, stop paying your taxes and see what happens.

And while we're on the topic of taxes, I get so sick of politicians using tax cuts on that group and this group for political posturing. It is sick. Pitting Americans against each other.

There is no such thing as a tax cut! Since when is deciding to take less of someone's money a tax cut? They make it sound as if they are doing you a favor by letting you keep more of your money. That would be like the schoolyard bully being classified and a nice guy for allowing you to keep a larger portion of your lunch money! Hello! He's still a bunch of your money by force!

Yes, taxes are a necessary evil if we are to have an organized government. But let's cut through the bologna and see things how they really are. What do you think?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Warm, fuzzy, and sugar-coated...

Conservatives are often painted as being cold-hearted for there stance on personal responsibility and opposition to government-mandated social programs.

The original intent of the Founding Fathers was to establish a Nation free of Government intrusion into our lives. I once heard Liberty described as "the maximum absence of coercion by a force greater than your own". In other words, Liberty exists when the government is maintained at it most minimal, unobtrusive state.

If you haven't already done this, check out the 18 enumerated powers in the U.S. Constitution.(Article I, Section 8) These 18 powers describe the ONLY things that Congress can do on your behalf. Now see how many government programs and bureaucracies fall under those guidelines. You will be surprised at how many do not.

So what am I getting at? Personal responsibility is no walk in the park. True Liberty as the Founding Fathers intended it is not all warm, fuzzy, and sugar-coated. Without government safety nets, people policed themselves, made better decisions, remained employed, were more responsible, and conducted themselves as adults that knew there were consequences to bad decisions.

So the real question facing today's generation. Do we really want true Liberty?

Or do we want to watered-down, government safety net, border-line tyrannical version that we have today?