Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hollywood vs. Wall Street

Why is Wall Street hated and Hollywood loved? Why do the occupiers hate CEO's and their millions and adore the stars from hollywood, the music industry, and the fashion industry? Together, films, music, and fashion accounts for Billions in revenue. Why are these not ill-gotten gains?

What is the difference between the two industry leaders? Let's take the CEO vs. the Film Star for a minute.

The CEO often starts at the bottom of the ladder, invests hundreds of thousand into an education, pours his or her life into their work, spending countless hours in their workplaces. They are the best and hardest working workers in their field. Not only are they paid millions as compensation for their talent, but also as a retainer to persuade the said CEO to stay with a particular company.

The Hollywood actor may or may not attend a couple of years of acting school. The sell their their looks or talents to the highest bidder. They live luxurious lives than even some CEO's would never dream of. They are treated as heroes for simply endorsing and lending their name to this charity or that, but rarely get directly involved in them.

The bottom line is, whether you love them or hate them, both CEO's and Hollywood elites have similar incomes, but arrived at their status in society by completely different routes. So why the vast difference in the way they are talked about?

Aren't all millionaires and billionaires equally evil and greedy? Hmmm...

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