Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our Pessimist in Chief

Challenge: Name one good thing that our new President has said good about our country in the first few months of his Presidency or the several months of the campaign.

Can't think of anything? C'mon, you can do it! Still thinking? I'll give you a few more minutes... Okay, you give up, right?

The truth is, President Obama does not make a practice of saying good things about the Greatest and Most Blessed Nation in the World. He is constantly giving pessimistic views, pointing out flaws, and stirring up negative sentiment. Whatever happened to the Leader of the Free World being encouraging?

Correct me if I am wrong, but we have millions of people to be pessimists, some who even get paid to do so. So why can't we get one word of encouragement from our President?

If someone who had never been to America was listening to any one of Mr. Obama's many speechs, they would think that the US of A was the most horrible place on earth.

Not that you will ever read this, but beg you Mr. President, lets change the tune a little. Maybe America will recover from this fiancial mess a little sooner with a little enouragement. We can see the change, that is for sure, but what happened to the hope?

God help America.

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