Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Do They Do It?

I have always wondered how welfare recipients can live with themselves just holding down the couch day in and day out.

I have been on disability for almost three weeks now due to a recent elbow surgery. After the first week, I had healed enough to do small tasks and chores here and there. During the 2nd week, I was able to cook and run errands, such as shopping, and in week 3, I have begun some painting that needs to be done around the house in preparation to move to a new place.

During these three weeks, I have desperately missed on feeling associated with my job. Each night when I laid down, I had a empty feeling. I miss that feeling of accomplishment. Any of you who work hard for a living know exactly what I am talking about. That deep feeling of satisfaction that comes from achievement and accomplishment. Up to this point in my life, I have never understood how humans could survive without every feeling that emotion.

The scary part is, I am beginning to understand how they can sit on their butts day after day. The longer I am out of work, the less I want to work. This last two days where I did some painting for 3 or 4 hours I had to force myself to do it. This could be partly because of the pain related to my surgery, but I think it is mostly lazy. I can feel it settling in and it does scare me. I have plenty of time to do this chores, and I don't necessarily have to do them right now, but I am almost forcing myself to, because I am almost scared to let that laziness creep in.

So I guess what I have learned during this time is that the longer you remain idle, the easier it becomes. That is where the danger is. So I would encourage anyone who is unemployed, temporarily disabled, or idle in any other way, to keep yourself busy. Guard against laziness, because it can effect your entire existence.

That is why I believe Welfare is a dangerous weapon. If I may be so bold to say: Welfare is modern day Slavery. It really is. Once you have someone accustomed to doing nothing and have them to where they have lost all desire to care for themselves and their family, they have no choice but to continue to vote themselves a paycheck, and the politicians have them right where they want them.

What do you think?

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