Saturday, March 24, 2012

Guest Writer: Thoughts on Socialized Medicine

Milo Martin
Milo M.T. Martin, my youngest brother, writes below about his recent experience with his local Congressional Representative:
A politically powerful and respectable woman, those are my thoughts about Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter. I got a chance to sit next to her on a flight home from Naval Weapons Station, Charleston (I flew through Washington). Since she is my representative, I received this email from her office.

Representative Louise Slaughter, D.
""Dear Milo M,

This week, House Republicans released a budget that once again would slash investment in Medicare, while creating new irresponsible tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. I oppose this reckless and irresponsible approach, and I believe that we must shape a sensible budget and craft legislation that truly shares sacrifice, not a budget that ends Medicare while handing more tax giveaways to those who need it the least.

Because I value your input and so that I can better serve you, please take a minute to fill out the following survey:

What do you think is the best way to reduce the budget deficit?

Turn Medicare into a voucher program

Increase taxes on millionaires and billionaires

End foreign wars

Cut red tape and government bureaucracy

All of the above

Other ** ""

WOW, I wish I could get another airplane ride sitting next to Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter. NOW I have something to talk about. 
I want to draw your attention to a couple words, in particular "...we must shape a sensible budget and craft legislation that truly shares sacrifice...".
This makes we think of a couple of words of my own:

Socialism- a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

Anti-patriotism- the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan* views and is usually of an anti-nationalist nature as well.

*Cosmopolitanism- the ideology that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on a shared morality.

If such an influential member of out United States Congress has views that lean toward socialistic.. How many more are there among them?

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Some may think it is a leap to get from 'shape and craft' to socialism. The Conserative mind can see the connection, but the liberal mind thinks that sounds pretty good since it condemns ObamaCare which they have come to acknowledge is flawed. They like the sound of it, especially the 'shared' part. They have no concept of how much the 1% is already paying.
