Thursday, July 30, 2009

Black Panther Voter Intimidation

Today the case against members of the Black Panther Party for voter intimidation was dropped. Let's look at this case and see whether t should have been dropped or if this is just another magic rabbit out of our new administration's hat.

Take a look at this top left picture. Does this man not look a little intimidating to you? (notice the billy club in his hand)

Let's check out a couple of videos so that you can see this incident first hand. (click on the words "First, Second, and Third")

First - College Student talks to Black Panther.
Second- Police Arrive at Polling Place
Third- New report of Alleged Voter Intimidation

Now does this looks like innocent concerned citizens standing idly by and peacefully observing a polling place to you? The Black Panther's alleged reason for stationing these men was for "security". As if there had been legitimate concerns about security the Police would not have handled it.

So why were the charges dropped on these two men? I don't think anybody knows for sure. See the article here for a bunch of babble and smoke. Nothing to see here! Move Along! Nothing to see!

No, I am not some loon who is screaming voter fraud. We are beyond that. But I think that this incident is something to be very concerned about.

What if two skin head clan members were standing outside of a polling location brandishing weapons? Would they be charged with a crime?

Think about it!

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