Friday, July 31, 2009

The Conervative Comeback

It's here folks! Conservatism Version 17.76! Yes, the Founding Fathers are growing in popularity again and people are actually reading the Constitution again!

Why all the fuss? Deep down, everyone knows that Conservative principles work when applied properly (with minimum Govt intervention). What they see today, is a desperate attempt to steam roll over as much Liberty as possible, as quickly as possible. The strategy is to sign as much of this liberal agenda into law as possible before people even realize what is going on. There is just one problem: Americans are not stupid! They know what's going on.

Under the guise of "helping the people" this new govt is stealing more and more liberty by the day. The "people" have had enough! Don't believe me? Just look at the poll numbers. This chart shows the Presidential approval rating as of today.

The Rassmussen Poll (one of our most trusted and widely used polling services) reports that only 28% of polled Americans strongly approve of the way Barrack Obama is performing as President. Another 39% strongly disapprove of the way that he is handling things as President.

Let's look at some other numbers briefly. Only 48% of voters say that they somewhat approve of the President's performance, while 51% now disapprove. (see article here)

So these poll numbers reflect that Americans are beginning the reject the liberal agenda.

Another recent trend to note is the massive uptick in listeners to Conservative Talk Radio shows, Conservative TV shows, and other Conservative News Sources. Google the numbers, it is truly amazing!

Just look at the number of copies sold of Mark Levin's book: Liberty and Tyranny. It has topped the New York Times best seller list for 12 of the last 15 weeks! They have sold nearly one million copies! Not bad for a Conservative non-Fiction book, eh?

So all of you die-hard Patriots and Conservatives can reach around and pat yourselves on the back. Be careful though, this does not mean that we can take it easy. Our job has only just begun. Continue to take an active role in your communities, attend Tea Parties, spread the word, talk to friends, family, and neighbors, and keep the faith. If we can do these things, we will take control back from these Statist wannabe's in 18 short months. Are you up to the challenge?

LET'S TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! Long live America and long live Freedom!

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