Sunday, August 2, 2009

Real Solutions for Health Care Reform

All of this talk of Health Care Reform and the only option they are offering is Nationalizing the entire system?!

This is hands down the greatest health care Industry in the world. Why try a solution that has not been successful in any Country that has tried it, ever?

There are ways to improve health care, cut costs, and make medical insurance available to more people without creating a Massive Government Bureaucracy and giving Big Brother control over a your very well-being.

Here we go:

Let's start by cutting the legs out from under the "slip and fall lawyers" and "ambulance chasers". Limit the amount of money that a patient can sue a Doctor for and severely cut back on the requirements to make a legitimate claim. I huge part of the cost of health care is due to people suing for massive amounts of money. Sure, there are legit claims, and those can be handled accordingly, but what I am saying is that we can cut back. Is a toothache due to a botched bridge really worth 5 million?

So if we write legislation that will limit lawsuits, Doctors and Hospitals will not have to carry millions of dollars worth of Malpractice Insurance. Also, Doctor's will not have to order as many unnecessary tests, for fear that they will be sued for millions if they miss one little thing. These Doctors do not get a commission for ordering unneeded tests, but they have to cover their posteriors.


Increase competition in the medical insurance market by opening the entire Nation to competition. Currently, there are laws in place that prohibit patients in New York from buying medical insurance from a company in Texas, etc. You have to buy within your state. So if we get rid of that limitation, it will encourage more competition and bring the cost of health care down.


Drastically scale down Medicare and Medicaid and phase it out completely. They are both HUGE government bureaucracies that cost literally Trillions of dollars. These programs could be out-sourced to a private company that would severely cut cost, waste, fraud, and abuse. Right now there is very little over-sight of these programs. Instead of over-hauling the programs, the government continues to raise taxes and needlessly dump billions of dollars into a system that does not work.

In closing, I am willing to provide more details/numbers for anyone interested. The bottom line is that we DO NOT NEED yet another Big Brother Bureaucracy breathing down our necks!

1 comment:

  1. Here are some other things that can be done:

    If the government really wants to bring down the cost of health care, why not invest in pharmaceutical and medical research instead of insurance subsidies? (In theory, it removes part of the argument for high medical costs.) It is is a one time expediture of funs as to an open end subsidy such as health insurance.

    Two enact laws that have the emergency rooms only treat "emergencies" ie burns, break bones, chest pain, 104 fevers, unconscience, lacerations requring stitches. It is pretty bad when one opts to go to "urgent care" to get better and faster response then "emergency rooms".

    Clinics & after hour clinics can be set up to handle the traffic that the emergency rooms should not be handling.

    Here is another one - don't have health insurance provided by the employer - auto & home owner insurance is not. with that being said ask the business's to raise salaries by reasonable amounts since they are no longer covering health insurance.
