Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Belly Up Government Programs

Let's have a little bit of fun, shall we? Let's make a list of all of the FAILED Government programs...

1. Medicare- Do I even need to go into detail on this one? Rationed care. Prescriptions refused. Analysts predict that the system will be completely bankrupt by 2019.

2. Medicaid- Is in the same predicament as Medicare.

3. Social Security- Analysts predict that this program will be dead by 2041. "Social Security's unfunded obligations total $4 trillion over the next 75 years, an increase from last year's projection of $3.7 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Mr. Snow said that to meet that shortfall, Social Security payroll taxes would have to be raised by 3.5 percentage points or benefits would have to be cut by 22%." (source)

4. The Stimulus Plan- This was supposed to be an emergency plan to "jolt" the economy. Where's the jolt? Why is unemployment rapidly approaching 10%. Were you or anyone else you know recipients of any stimulus? Why is 450 Billion dollars of the stimulus package unaccounted for?

5. Cash for Clunkers- The most recent example of a failed policy. After the Gov't spent $5 Million on a website that would allow dealers to submit paperwork for reimbursement, the site promptly crashed. Now dealers are hundreds of thousands of dollars in the hole, waiting for reimbursements. Apparently, the 1 Billion dollars of taxpayers’ money was not enough, so Congress voted for another 2 Billion of your money to be allocated to the program. The end result: Poor people will be hurt in the long term, asd the clunkers have been ordered to be completely destroyed, thus decreasing the availability of used car parts on the market, making repairs and maintenance more expensive for those not fortunate enough to be able to afford a more modern vehicle.

So I pointed all of that out to ask you this: YOU REALLY WANT THE GOV'T TO RUN YOUR HEALTH CARE???!!!

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