Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Health Care Scenario

Let's pretend that we now have a Socialistic National Health Care System. You are the President's new Health Czar. You are approached with the following problem.

There are two patients that require a heart transplant immediately or they will die within hours. There is only one heart available. One patient is 65 years old and the other is 25 years old.

You start thinking... the 25 year old has much more life left to live, but the 65 year old has paid into the system for decades now.

Which one would you let die? Unfair question? You don't want to answer it, do you?

So what is my point? Your Government should never be making those decisions to begin with!

In a system run my politicians and bureaucrats, there is always the temptation of using "the machine" to favor ones own status. The 25 year old can vote for years to come if he survives. Would a politician make a decision based on that? Let's hope not... but why tempt them?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, If I were a doctor forced to make such a choice, I'd choose another occupation.
