Monday, August 10, 2009

Spending Millions in a Recession

While you are told to make cut back's in your budgets and not worry about increased costs and raised tax rates, our Politicians are spending over half a billion dollars on private planes! (article here)

Lawmakers recently requested 550 Million dollars to purchase 8 new gulfstream jets for senior Gov't officials. As you can see by the chart, overseas air travel for House members is already costing us over 40 Million dollars per year, and this does not include domestic flights and the cost of Air Force flights used.

There are currently members of the House contesting this enormous waste of money. Just the fact that some House members have even considered spending this money proves that they are completely out of touch with spending, and with the average American family.

While most Americans are thinking of ways to cut back, canceling vacations, staying closer to home, and shrinking their lifestyle, Congress just wants a few more planes. This is inexcusable, whether the spending gets approved or not.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE- The House just canceled plans to spend the $550 Billion, as they were under immense pressure to do so by their constituents.
