Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Independence Day Tea Party

Wow, where do I start? I am so fed up with this new government trying to take control of everything and everything. They are always so coy about it. They pretend as if stealing your liberty is a good thing. Example: the light bulb. The latest bill out of Congress (cap and trade bill), mandates that you use a certain type of light bulb. Sounds like a simple, inconsequential thing until you think about it...

So they mandate your light bulbs. What if you don't like the light cast by the new CFL's? What if you don't like the cost or possible health risk if one should break? The point is that our government has no authority to regulate or mandate which products we use. What is next? Are they going to say that your favorite shampoo is bad for the environment, or force you to buy new appliances, because the old ones use "too much energy"?

The danger here is giving the government too much power, because they do not know when to quit. They're like Pacman on steroids. They keep gobbling up every little bit of power, anywhere they can find it. Only the ghosts who want to stop them (us) are nearly in-effective because we have let them run over us for so long.

How much will be enough?

Voice your opinion this Indendence day at your local Tea Party!!

For the nearest location:

Get your Liberty on!!

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