Thursday, July 2, 2009

Globing Warming for Dummies

Over the past several months I have listened to dozens of people debate both sides of this issue. I have heard hours and hours of arguments and analogies, and have heard and read several professional opinions of scientists on the matter. So I wanted to sum things up for those of you who may be a little confused on the topic, or those that want a few more facts on the issue.

For years now, we have been told that Global Warming is caused by green house gases. These are gases on our atmosphere that act as an insulator that keep heat from escaping naturally from the earth, and over time will raise the earth's ambient temperature. There is one major problem with this theory. There is no such thing as a one-way insulator! Think about it: insulators not only keep heat from escaping, but they keep heat from entering as well! That is why it keeps your house warmer in the Winter and cooler in the Summer. So if this "blanket of gases" was acting as an insulator, not only would keep warmth from escaping the earth, it would also keep heat from entering the atmosphere as well. So rational thought would conclude that if their were indeed such a thing as green house gases, over time they would actually cool the globe by not letting heat enter.

The next thing that believer's may argue is that Carbon Dioxide is harmful to the environment. Last I checked, CO2 is what trees breathe. This is basic 5th or 6th grade Science. Think about it: where are the highest amounts of CO2 located? Along major highways... So if it were so harmful to the environment, then why is the grass not dead in every median strip on every major highway? Why is t that the road crews can never keep up with mowing the stuff down? The truth is, plants love Carbon Dioxide! Saying that too much CO2 in the air is killing the trees is like saying that humans are going to die because of excess levels of oxygen in the air.

So where do we get all of the theories from? Over the last decade or so, various organizations have recorded temperatures from thermometers all over the earth. These recording did show a slight up-tick in median temperature. However, what they failed to realize is that most of these devices are located in inner-city urban areas. The problem with this, is that urban areas attract more heat that rural areas. All of that pavement and concrete just soaks up more heat and holds it for a longer amount of time. So one could easily conclude that city and urban temperatures are understandably higher than other temperatures. As an urban area grows, that temperature will continue to rise. So how do we get an accurate reading of the earth's ambient temperature? Satellites! NASA releases satellite recording of the earth's atmospheric temperature over the last decade or so last year. If you look at those number, the earth's atmosphere has actually been cooling since 1998!! Don't believe me? Google it!

So, given all of the things that we have considered, I have concluded that global warming, if present at all, is not caused by humans. A more accurate term to use if the earth were actually warming, would be Climate Change. You see, the other thing that you learned in 5th or 6th grade is that the Earth orbits around the Sun. This orbit is not a perfect circle. As the Earth moves farther away from the Sun in the Winter, the Earth cools. As it gets closer in the Summer, the Earth warms. Throughout the years, the overall orbit may shift further away or closer, causing cooler Winters or hotter Summers. Those of you who are not old enough to remember the "Global Cooling" scare in the 70's should look it up. These temperature variations are caused by a natural cyclic shift in the Earth's orbit.

Still not convinced? Think about it. You will arrive at the right conclusion if you think rationally and observe things for yourself. There is no conclusive scientific evidence that the Globe is warming.

So who stands to benefit from selling you false junk science? Look at the people who are pushing this agenda as you will find that answer. Why? Power. The only thing that Politicians love more than money, is power. If they can make you feel guilty about something, they can control you. Think about it!

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