Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let me run this one by you...

An interesting theory that heard this morning:

Could the large number of Global Warming Zombie's be explained by the limited amount of science that is taught in a large percent of our schools in recent years?

Makes sense, right? If kids have less and less factual scientific knowledge, they have a lessened ability to think rationally using facts, and they will actually fall for this junk science...


1 comment:

  1. There is so much that can be explained by our lack of knowledge about science. My husband Matt and I have made science a priority in our household. On our local conservative station (you may have one in your town too!) on Saturday nights we listen to Professor Michio Kaku. We read Astronomy magazine, and follow current science information. It changes so rapidly folks. Did you know about the multiverse? Google that one...
