Monday, July 6, 2009

Sarah Palin - Love Her or Hate Her?

Sarah Palin- You either love her or you hate her. This amazing woman has withstood more criticism, more junk journalism, more lies, more hate, and more unabashed defamation than other other woman in history. Ever. I challenge you to find anyone else, man or woman, who has taken this much heat, for this long a period of time, with this amount of grace.

On Friday, July 3rd, Governor Sarah Palin announced that she is resigning and leaving Alaska in the capable hands of Lt. Governor Sean Parnell. She stated that she wanted the best for the people of Alaska. This immediately triggered criticism from both sides of the media spectrum. People were quick to react with jeers of "nobody likes a quitter", and other even more hateful comments. There were also multiple "theories" for her leaving office, including trumped up stories of her being under investigation for fraud, involved in an affair with her husdbands best friend, etc. No matter her reason, judging by all of the made up lies in the last few months, you can be fairly certain that anything you hear is a lie unless it comes directly from her mouth.

Enough is enough. Sarah Palin and her family have been barraged for months. The media bias and hatred was embarrassing and humiliating. They would claim that "children are off limits" one minute, followed by a negative comment about one of Gov. Palin's kids the next minute.

So what's next for Sarah Palin? This is just a theory, but I believe that she will take some time off and then begin a speaking tour and raising money for Republicans. At some point she may announce that she is running for higher office. I can only spectulate which office at this point. One thing you can be sure of: Sarah Palin is down, but she is far from being out.

Why does the left wing media hate her so passionately? Bottom line: they are afraid of her! They know that she has the power to unite people at a time when Republicans and Conservatives are scattered and confused. They know that she is their worst nightmare.

What can we do to help? Support her and defend her. If she does choose to run for higher office, I will support her whole-heartedly.


  1. Yeah, everyone is so afraid of Sarah Quitter Mooseknuckle Palin. Shaking in their boots! What a powerful woman! She has achieved what, exactly? now that her political career is truly over (even with the dumb rightwingers, most can see that she is done for!), who exactly do you claim is afraid of her? hahahaha, man you are entertaining to the max! :)

  2. By the way, just because you jerk off to her picture in the USA bikini on a regular basis, that does NOT make her an "AMAZING" woman. That would make Pamela Anderson amazing too, right?

  3. Like I said: They are afraid of her. This guy does not even have the courage to identify himself, rather than leaving anonymous comments.

    What exactly has this woman done to you? Would you treat Hillary Clinton the same way? Where is the outrage?

  4. I believe Mrs. Palin to be leaving office to simply escape the confines and rules of the current two party system. If she gets out of the box, she can make her own rules. Her staying in the current system is just bogging her down.
