Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Universal Health Care - Part 2

Reasons why a Universal Health Care system would completely destroy our current system.

1. Nobody has discussed adding more medical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.) to the system. So you would immediately add almost 50 million people to a system without hiring more personnel. This would immediately overload every hospital, every clinic, and every Doctor's office.

2. In order to keep costs "affordable" you would have to start rationing health care (yes, they are already discussing cut-backs on MRI's, EKG's and other tests). Since Doctor's would have to work more hours, they would cost more to employ. Eventually, you would have to cap the salary of medical workers. This would lead to a shortage of new employees entering the medical field (no incentive) and further the shortage of medical personnel.

3. Doctors having less incentive to be successful will be less efficient and see fewer patients each day. They will be overloaded with government forms to fill out that justify the tests and costs for each patient. Some of the more successful Doctors will consider moving their practices overseas (they are already talking about it).

4. Care will get worse and worse and government bureaucrats desperately try to ration care and cut costs. Certain medications will be taken off the market in the interest of helping the majority, rather than the few who made need specific drugs. Drug research and development will be cut back or eliminated, which will lead to fewer medical break-throughs. (no major discoveries have come from countries with universal care in recent years)

5. Certain tests will be scaled back or eliminated, lowering early detection of illness and disease. More and more people will become sick and/or abuse the "free" system, as they are not paying for it (think of a 16 year old kid who was given a car, versus the kid who saved for months or years to buy their first car).

6. If you do a little Google research, you can find hundreds of cases where people were treated improperly, died waiting months in line for a procedure, were misdiagnosed, were told there was no hope for them, etc. All of these cases come from countries with Universal Healthcare. Ask yourself this question: if I were diagnosed with a life threatening illness or disease tomorrow, where would I want to be, and what system would I prefer?

7. Can you name what successful Government run system?
U. S. Post Office- Fail
Dept of Motor Vehicles- Fail
Social Security- Fail
Medicare- Fail
IRS- Fail

The list goes on and on... think of your last visit to the DMV. Would you want these unmotivated, slow, uncaring people to be in charge of your healthcare? Do you really want some bureacrat hundreds of miles away making decisions that a Doctor of your choice sitting next to you used to make?

I could go on and on with example after example. I will not beat this one to do. All I ask is that you think about it... and then go and sign the petition at

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