Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Definition of a Conservative

Conservative- Left leaning libs have been trying to make the term a cuss word, just as they have with "Republican". Although some are trying to form a Conservative Party, it more accurately describes a movement or an idea.

Many (including myself) are claiming the cloak of Conservatism because they are sick and tired of the Republican party, who has compromised and washed out their values in order to try to be the "big tent party". We saw this in the election with sell-outs such as John McCain running to the left to bow at Al Gore's alter of global warming and being weak on immigration policy. Many Conservatives and "old school Republicans" voted for McCain because he was the lesser of two evils. Many didn't vote for him at all, they voted for Palin! I firmly believe that if we had appointed a truly Conservative Presidential Candidate, we would have barn stormed the election. Why? Because Conservative ideas and principles sell themselves.

So what is Conservatism and what do they believe in?

Small Government
Lower Taxes
Individual Liberties
Individual Responsibility
Military strength
Closed borders
God is the cornerstone of our Republic
Right to Bear Arms
Sanctity of Human Life (pro life)
Equality of Man

This is a short list of values that we believe in. These ideas have been proven successful over and over again through history. They have never failed unless meddled with. Great Nations have fallen when they tried alternatives or strayed from Conservative principles. We know that these values and ideas work, and if we returned to them our country would be far better off.

Lastly, when I spoke of the Equality of Man, I was referring to equal rights, equal status, and yes, this includes equal taxes. When you have time, Google the Fair Tax… it will blow your mind! That is a topic for another day though.

Prediction: In the next election, Conservatives will triumph over wishy-washy, left-leaning, mediocre
, spineless politicians who have only their own best interest at heart.

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