Friday, August 14, 2009

Claim: Conservatives Want Obama to Get SHOT

So earlier this week, Ed Schultz of MSNBC (otherwise know as big dumb Ed), commented that "Sometimes I think that Conservatives want Obama to get shot". (link to text and video here)

So let's set the record straight. There may be a few crazies out there that are crossing their fingers and hoping or maybe even going farther than that by suggesting that someone shoot him, but the true Conservatives want nothing of the sort. We would never wish an assassination on any American President. Just because we disagree with him does not mean that we want him to be taken out.

Another reason that we would not Obama to get shot is that the alternatives are even worse. Can you imagine Joe the Village Idiot Biden as President? Or Nancy Botox Bimbo Pelosi? (2nd and 3rd in line) We would have to be insane to want either of those two as President. So you see, we would not want the President to be shot even if we were that kind of people. No, our best option to to defeat him in the next election.

So this is just another stupid liberal begging for attention. He is a nobody. Not to mention that this particular host once claimed to be a republican talk show host, knowing that pubs are more popular in talk radio. Since he was a phony, he soon failed and is now trying his hand at being a lib. Nice. So either way, he's a phony, right?

What a jerk.

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