Friday, August 14, 2009

The Great Orator in Chief

During a recent series of "Town Hall meetings", President Obama has gone on and on about his health care plan (which he has not read by the way), and given very little time for questions or comments. (story here) This is interesting, considering that the traditional town hall meetings are meant to be a public forum in which questions are fielded from concerned constituents.

So while Obama continues his perpetual campaign, the voters and tax-payers get very little time to ask questions or express opinions. A recent meeting was analyzed and someone actually counts the words of Obama vs. the people.

Score: Obama - 8,619 / People -1,186

Kind of one-sided, don't you think? That's a 9:1 ratio! Either he is afraid to let people ask questions, so he just motorboats on and on about how we have the worst health care in the world, or he just loves to hear himself talk. Or maybe a combination of the two.

I challenge you to Google the health care bill and read it for yourself. You can find it in pieces or whole. You will see that you must either A) have it translated by a lawyer, or B) what little of it is in "common speak" is very scary.

Just remember: If this bill is passed, the government will have MORE COTROL over you than any other time in history.


  1. I just got turned on to your blog just a few days ago. Just about everthing that you write is something that I feel or know to be true. Keep up your good bloggng

  2. Thanks Anonymous! Do I know you? Feel free to become a "follower". I appreciate the feedback, I try to keep things straight up and straight forward here.
