Thursday, September 3, 2009

The New Forgotten War?

It was not that long ago that the War in Iraq and the Global War on Terrorism was mentioned on the news every single day. Every ticker tape everywhere showed updates on the war, and there were anti-Iraq war commentators on every new channel. There were constant protests and movements and calls for the President to stop this "Illegal War".

What happened to all of that? Now that President Obama has taken over, you don't hear a peep about it. The war is not over. Our troops are still over there in harms way. Some of them have been moved to Afghanistan, but the number of deployed troops has not decreased. There is even talk of Obama increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan.

So why is the media and the protesters now silent on this matter? It was just as we suspected all along. The were not anti-war, they were anti-Bush. The war was just a convenient tool in which they used to protest President Bush.

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