Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obama's Post Office Comparison (he goes off of the teleprompter)

In a recent town hall meeting, President Obama compared Universal Health Care to the Post Office, saying that a "public option" would still allow for competing private health care insurance providers to stay in business. (see video here) He used Fedex and UPS as examples of competing business's.

Theres only one little problem with this analogy... the U.S. Postal System is very, very far from what anyone would consider profitable or even successful. Using them as an example (or any Gov't run system for that matter) to convince the public that this is a good idea is laughable.

For those of you who may think that the Postal Service is just fine, here's a few fun facts for you:

1.) The U.S. Post Office is the only entity allowed by federal law to deliver first class mail to your mailbox. In fact, Fedex and UPS are strictly prohibited from delivering “non-urgent” letters. If the government can fairly compete and is setting fair rules, wouldn’t the post office be open to competition at your mailbox?

2.) If Americans were offered “free” postage paid for by massive government spending and tax hikes, would Fedex and UPS still exist?

3.) The Post Office is on track to lose a staggering $7 billion this year alone. How will a government-run health care plan manage taxpayer resources more efficiently?

4.) Postmaster General John Potter says he lacks the “tools” necessary to run the Post Office effectively like a business. Would a government-run health care system have the tools it needs to run as effectively as the private sector entities it is replacing?

5.) On the one hand, the President remarks how great his public health care plan will be. On the other hand, he notes it won’t be good enough to crowd out your private insurance, i.e. the Post Office comparison. So which is it Mr. President? Will it be so great that private insurance disappears or so awful that it isn’t worth creating in the first place?

6.) But the most important question is this: if you have an urgent piece of mail you need delivered, life or death, who are you going to call? Everyone saying the government…please raise your hands.

(above 6 points taken from an article at link here)

Hmmm..... Maybe he should have stuck to the teleprompter.

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