Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rights for Chicks

In recent news, an Animal Rights activist infiltrated a hatchery and video-taped male chicks being thrown into grinders while still alive. This has opened upon a nation-wide discussion of the animal cruelty that allegedly happens in these hatcheries. Apparently, the grinder method is an industry-wide practice to euthanize unwanted male chicks. Industry representatives say that this method is not cruel because the death is almost instantaneous. It is used on over 200 million chicks per year. Other methods would far more expensive and would raise costs on the industry.

My opinion? If officials say that it is not inhumane, then I would have to agree. Of course it is not something that you want to think about before you go to sleep, but unless you are willing to adopt 200 million chicks... you get my point.

Here's the thing that really tweeks me off: These same people have no problem at all with a human baby being disposed of in a fashion that is as much or more cruel than "the grinder". Where are the activists for Human Rights? Does a baby have have lesser rights than a chick? Oh wait, they would say that the baby has not been born yet, and the chick has.

So here's a perfect solution: Are you ready?

Throw the unhatched chick fetus in the grinder while it is still in the shell. Then they would be happy, right?

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