Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome to Obama Elementary School

Ladies and Gents: mark your calendars! President Obama is going to address your school-age children with a speech written for them on September 8 @ Noon EST.

He will adress such things as setting educational goals, volunteering in the community, etc. Before the speech, teachers are encouraged to let students read books about Obama and lead discussions about the "historic" President and what he would like them to do in their educational future. After-wards, they are instructed to discuss what Obama would like them to do.

Here's the problem: Our President has never been able to give a speech that is not chock full of partisan negative rhetoric. I for one do not want my child hearing his twisted pessimistic view of my beloved America. I have already talked to the Assistant Principle at my daughter's school and informed her that if they plan to participate in this forum, I will keep my child at home in protest. I encourage each and every one of you to do the same. (you might be interested to know that the AP agreed with me and said that she would not support the idea, but it may not be up to her. She encouraged me to call back the day before to double-check).

1 comment:

  1. Follow up to this story: After pressure from all over the Country, President Obama decided to make changes to the forum in which he would ask children to answer questions such as "how the President wants me to help him", etc.

