Friday, September 18, 2009

Political Hypocracy and Curruption at it's Finest.

The Massachusetts House voted yesterday to allow the Governor to appoint a temporary person to fill Kennedy's Senate seat. (link here) It will be a temporary appointment until the special elections can take place sometime next year. So why is this hypocritical?

Traditionally, the Governor of each State has authority to appoint a Senator in the event that the seat is vacated. However, while Mitt Romney was Governor a few years ago, Massachusetts voted against this measure. This is because they did not want Romney to appoint a Republican Senator to replace Jim Kerry if Kerry won the Presidential election. See the dig? Now that there is a Democrat in the Governor's mansion, they vote to overturn that ruling and go back to the way it was again.

This is so obviously corrupt and hypocritical. I am writing about it here, because you probably will not hear or see it in the news. See, Democrats want to maintain a 60 vote majority in the Senate, because this gives them a filibuster-proof majority. Any bill with less than 60 votes (dems had 59 after Kennedy passed) can be blocked by a filibuster. After these shenanigans, they will have a filibuster-proof majority again just before the Health Care bill and the Cap and Trade bill are voted on.

Nope, nothing to see here! Move along!

1 comment:

  1. Great story. I haven't heard of any news station mentioning this before. It really is pathetic how hypocritical some people are.
