Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reporter LIES About "White Men with Guns"...

So MSNBC does a report about 12 men who were peacefully standing outside of a Health Care Rally attended by President Obama. These men were there to protest Obamacare and to make a point of displaying their 2nd Amendment Rights. MSNBC made it a point to zoom in on the man holding an AR15 assault rifle as not to reveal his race! See video below.

Now check out video below that show that the same man with the same weapon is actually a black man! So much for "white men with guns".

Sure, there were some white guys with guns, but they were not shown on MSNBC, so purposefully showed the zoomed shot to fit there script of trying to scare people about crazy white dudes with guns at a rally attended by the first black President.

This is absolutely shameless. A supposed news network purposefully editing a video to fit their agenda. Hmmm... they wonder why no one watches them anymore...

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