Monday, September 14, 2009

9/12 National Tea Party - I was there!

First off, please watch these two videos: (click on green words)

Massive wave of Patriots invading the Capitol.

360 degree view from center of crowd.

Saturday, 9-12-09, My daughter and I descended on Washington, D.C. with hundreds of thousands of other American Patriots. It was amazing! We could hear the crowd as soon as we stepped off of the train. As we approached Freedom Square, we could barely squeeze in. It was shoulder to shoulder at 8:30am! The march towards the Capitol was not scheduled until 11:30, but we had to start at 9am because the square could not hold anymore people.

As we shuffled towards the Capital (marching was not possible), we quickly realized that it was the most decent and courteous crowd we had ever been in. In a gathering that large you are going to get a few elbows, and I'll be that was elbowed dozens of times that day, but every time it was followed by an "exuse me" or "sorry". There was no fighting, no arguing, no hysteria, and no arrests. I stopped to talk to a Police Officer who seemed to be enjoying himself as he videotaped the crowd going by, and asked him what he thought. Not only did he say that this was the largest crowd that he had ever seen (yes, even bigger than the inauguration), but it was also the most polite and courteous demonstration he had ever seen.

Later, I learned that it was also the cleanest demonstration ever, and not so much as a gum wrapper was to found after we all left.

So why were we there? Judging by the signs and talking to people, the top three reasons were:

1.) We are/were against socialized health care.
2.) We are/were against bailouts and run-a-way stimulus packages.
3.) We are/were greatly concerned with out of control Government and spending.

There were other smaller concerns, but this was the majority. We were not racist, and we were not anti-Obama. We were anti-big government. I talked to several people that voted for Obama that quote: "Did not vote for this!". There were whites and blacks, old and young, poor and rich, and I even saw three Nuns with homemade signs!

What I felt while there is almost indescribable. I had chills down my spine, I cried, I laughed and sang and shouted and danced and jumped. Ask my daughter, she was having the time of her life! I'll bet she will remember this for many years to come.

So how many people were there? This is why I had you watch the two videos first. There are a number of news channels trying to down-play the numbers. Initial reports started at 250k, went to 500k, then over a million, and then ABC news reported in excess of 2 million people around Noon. They have since then retracted those numbers. Why? Were they told to? Why was MSNBC saying there was less than 100k? I don't know, but I do know that I was there. I saw people come, I saw people go, and I know that there were well over a million people there. The cameras did not even show every angle. There were people pouring in from the side streets. There were even people who could physically not even reach the Capitol area (National Mall) and were protesting as far away as the Lincoln Memorial! (one mile away) It was incredible! By the way, if this means anything to you, the Washington Metro Police and the Park Service both reported estimates of 1.5 Million. They're not lying now, do you think?

I will talk about this in another blog soon, but know this: America is under-going a massive change that it hasn't seen in decades. Mark my words, this movement s going to come roaring down the pike like an avalanche. So make up your mind now. Which side are you on? Will you pick Liberty or Tyranny? Me? I CHOOSE FREEDOM!!

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