Friday, September 11, 2009

Representative Joe Wilson yells "YOU LIE" to the President

This one is all over the news. In case you haven't heard, this Congressman burst out the words "You lie!" after a statement made by the President during his health care speech to Congress on Wednesday night. (video here)

Little did Representative Wilson know, that this little outburst would be very damaging, no only to him and his party, but to the cause. This is because instead of having an honest debate on the merits of health care reform, all of the networks have been focused on his disrespect during a Presidential Address.

Although I halfway agree with him, I wish he had shown some self control at the time. There is a time and a place for such things, and during a Presidential Address is nether the time nor the place.

Here is why I halfway agree with him: When he shouted "You lie!", it was in responce to the President denial that illegal immigrants would be covered by the proposed health care bill. This is not exactly the truth, as Congressman Wilson indicated. Although there is not a specific provision that says they will be covered, there is no provision saying that they will not be either.

This seems odd after we discovered that during deliberations on the bill, the House Republicans proposed a revision that would specifically exclude illegal immigrants. Not one time but several times. Nope, nothing to see here! Move along!

Hmmm... the last time the President had a disagreement of this magnitude with someone of much "lower stature", he extended an invitation to the White House for a beer and a discussion. So where is Congressman Joe Wilson's invitation?

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