Thursday, March 8, 2012

Uncle Ted Endorses Mitt Romney!

 I have to admit, I have not been excited about any of the current GOP candidates for President. I was very excited about Herman Cain, but I believe he is a victim of a political hit job. That's an entirely different topic though.
I was a bit surprised to see today that Uncle Ted has officially endorsed Mitt Romney for President! I am excited about the pledges listed below in Nugent's post. After reading this, I may reluctantly jump on the band wagon. If I do, I will do what I can to be sure Mr. Romney stands behind his pledge. See for yourself: 
"I know many of you disagree, I respectuflly beseach you all to reconsider, and join me to rid the US gvt of the gang of enemies infesting our great country. After much heart & soul searching research & prayer, I gave the greenlight to the Romney team to pass my ph# to Mitt Romney, and he called me today. We spoke at length. Im sure I dont have to repeat what I said to him here, surely self evident truths are universally known & understood here. That being said, I demanded and he indeed did pledge the following- 1-no more restrictions on any gun or ammo ownership, no AWB bullshit, and that he would push with us to eliminate all anti 2A restrictions currently in place. 2- he would stand with us solidly for we the people hunting, fishing & trapping rights, fighting to backdown the feds from wasting tax dollars slaughtering our wildlife with our tax dollars instead of the rightful owners of said wildlife rights to utilize them as assets instead of forced bureaucrat liabilities. He also vowed to stack the SCOTUS with Constitution respecting Americans. For a change. We spoke of other critical upgrades, and I felt good about his proclaiments. So I officially endorsed him for POTUS. Plz take a deep breath, think hard, and join me for the fight of our lives for the soul of America.

Thank you, Ted"
-Copied from Ted Nugent's Facebook page on 3-8-12.

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